Welcome to INSANITY application center,


1. Follow SAYL rules
2. Be respectful
3. You should have decent English skills
4. Don't asslick
5. Don't ask for promotions
6. Follow HQ orders
7. Don't slack
8. Make sure to be online on meetings time
9. Don't steal your mates' drugs
10. Don't go AFK on duty for more than 5 minutes
11. Trolling leads to a kick/blacklist
12. If you are one of the HQ team, kicking members without discussing is strickle prohibited which leads to a punishment

[x]Application Format:

Your Ingame nickname:

Account name:

Playtime (SS is needed):

Your Full real Name:

Your actual Age:

Country of origin:

Your native language:

Other languages that you speak fluently:

Rate your English skills(0/10)

Why did you pick our group as your next step?:

Why makes you more special than others?: